Currituck County 4-H is hosting a plant science workshop for 4-H Cloverbuds; youth ages 5-7 years old. Youth will learn the basics of plant science and what a plant needs to grow. They will also start their very own herb garden to take home. This workshop will be held on May 10, 2024 from 2:00 pm- 4:30 pm at NC Cooperative Extension office located at 120 Community Way Barco NC 27917.
Space is limited and registration deadline is May 3, 2024. Please reserve your child’s spot by clicking this link: There is a $8.00 registration fee. This may be paid online through eventbrite or you may pay with cash or check. Cash and check payments need to be paid within five days of your registration. If you are paying by check please make it payable to NCSU, and mail it to NCCE 120 Community Way Barco NC 27917. All participants must also be enrolled in 4-H Online for the 2023 program year; the link to that portion of the registration process is .
If you need accommodations for persons with disabilities please contact Stephanie Minton at (252) 232-2262 or by email at no later than 10 business days prior to class.