Jillian Sabecky of Luzerne County up for Ms. Health & Fitness

Jillian Sabecky of Luzerne County up for Ms. Health & Fitness

Powerful Luzerne County mom, Jillian Sabecky’s dedication to her health and wellness earned her a nomination to compete for the title of 2024 Ms. Health & Fitness.

She said, “People often ask, what are you training for? — I’m training for life!”

Now, this inspiring local woman hopes to gain the support of her community to win a feature on the cover of Muscle & Fitness HERS and $20,000 to continue pursuing her dreams. Vote for Jillian Sabecky in the Ms. Health & Fitness Magazine competition, running from May 6 through July 11.

“It would be nice to see someone like me on the cover of a magazine,” said Sabecky.

Jillian Sabecky is a mom with a full-time job who, in addition to her commitment to her own fitness routine, also does personal training on the side. Her daily workout routine includes cycling, rowing, running, as well as lifting. But, it wasn’t easy for her to get where she is today.

“I was always into working out even as a teenager, but in 2020 I went to the doctor, and they found a tumor,” explained Sabecky.

Just days before COVID hit, Sabecky had to get a biopsy and by the next week, she had even more tumors. At the age of 38, she underwent a hysterectomy and afterward, she was hospitalized for some time due to complications. Since then, she’s had numerous breast biopsies and countless doctors’ visits but despite setbacks — she set out to change her life.

Jillian Sabecky’s motto is self-care is not selfish.

She refused to let anything hold her back from putting her health and wellness in the forefront. She began to value her fitness routine even more to fight back against the medical challenges.

“I didn’t know what the outcome was going to be with that situation, so I just pushed and pushed and pushed,” said Sabecky. “I never in my life would have thought that would be my situation, and I was doing whatever I could to make it not be. The better I can move my body and breathe, the better my outcome will be.”

Jillian Sabecky has overcome a lot to get where she is today and that’s all made health and fitness even more important to her!

Sabecky said she wasn’t expecting the nomination for Ms. Health & Fitness and it’s definitely outside her usual comfort zone, but she’s excited to represent Luzerne County as our warrior of health and fitness.

The voting-based fitness competition takes place all for a good cause, supporting The B+ Foundation which provides financial assistance to families, funds childhood cancer research, and brings awareness to the fight against childhood cancer.

Jillian Sabecky’s story should inspire others to follow in her footsteps. She’s living proof that you can do it — for you!

She’s now worked out everyday for over three years, by simply reserving at least 45 minutes for her routine. That’s her time to focus on herself!

“Block out that time for yourself every day,” said Jillian. “I know it sounds cliche, but movement is medicine. You’ll feel accomplished when you finish.”

Jillian Sabecky has also recently taken her love for fitness to the next level and became a National Academy of Sports Medicine-certified personal trainer, nutritionist, corrective exercise specialist, as well as performance enhancement specialist. She actually originally set out just to learn how to advance her own fitness and nutrition lifestyle, but now she’s sharing her wisdom with others.

“The gym can be scary, and the heaviest weight can be the weight of the door handle to get in there,” said Jillian Sabecky.

She understands that it can be difficult to get started, but that sense of achievement when someone hits a personal record makes it all worthwhile for both them and her. “It’s just a good feeling to see someone be so pumped for themselves,” she said.

“You’re having a bad day? Go lift weights!” said Jillian Sabecky. “It’s the feeling that I get mentally afterward, it’s truly a sense of pride and accomplishment.”

Health and fitness play a huge role in her life, now more than ever, and her nomination for this competition proves what an inspirational figure she’s already become.

“It means so much for me that I’m able to do something for myself, because at the time of my life I was sick — I didn’t know what the outcome was going to be and I couldn’t control that,” said Sabecky. “But this (my health and wellness), I can control!”

Vote for our inspiring local representative, personal trainer, and fitness expert, Jillian Sabecky.

The Ms. Health & Fitness Magazine competition is voting-based and runs through July 11, 2024. Each person gets one free vote per day.

Jillian Sabecky of Luzerne County up for Ms. Health & Fitness